Arche Nora eV offers a supervised playgroup for children aged 18 months and over. Places are allocated to children who live in Leinfelden-Echterdingen. Entry age should not be older than 20 months.
Here you can find further information on how to contact us and place your order on our waiting list.
We look forward to your inquiry!
Please contact us using our contact form, stating your child's age, the desired start date and the expected start date at kindergarten. We will let you know when we have a free place. This information is non-binding and there is no entitlement to a place.
Note: Since our carers put a lot of effort into the - very time-consuming - settling-in process, your child should be able to stay with the garden gnomes for at least twelve months.
Our childcare places are in high demand, so register your child early and have them put on our waiting list. Fill out the form and send it to us by email to We will contact you as soon as a place becomes available! There is no entitlement to a place by registering.
As soon as we have a free spot, we will arrange an introductory and trial appointment together. One parent can come to us with the child at this appointment. The appointment is scheduled for 30 minutes. An introductory appointment is non-binding and there is no entitlement to a place.